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languages:saterfrisian_in_germany [2021/05/19 16:10] – [Online resources] ydwinelanguages:saterfrisian_in_germany [2021/06/14 11:25] – [Primary education] ydwine
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 The Saterland is known as the smallest "language island" in Europe according to the Guinness Book of Records from 1991.((Gemeinde Saterland, [[|Saterfriesische Sprache]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].)) The Saterland is known as the smallest "language island" in Europe according to the Guinness Book of Records from 1991.((Gemeinde Saterland, [[|Saterfriesische Sprache]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].))
 In 1996 it was reported that Sater Frisian was neither the language used for administration nor in church. Only two hours a week were offered for teaching in primary school. There were no audiovisual teaching materials available. ((Wilts, Ommo and Fort, Marron (1996), //Nordfriesland und Saterland: Friesisch zwischen Meer Und Moor//, (Brüssel: Europäisches Büro für Sprachminderheiten), pp.28-48)) However, this was already an improvement from 1988, when Sater Frisian was not present in schools at all, although people would have supported it. ((Martinen, Hark et. al, (1988) //The North Frisian Language in Primary Education in North Frisia, Federal Republic of Germany: Die Nordfriesische Sprache im Unterricht Der Grundschulen in Nordfriesland//, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Ljouwert, Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy.)) In 1996 it was reported that Sater Frisian was neither the language used for administration nor in church. Only two hours a week were offered for teaching in primary school. There were no audiovisual teaching materials available. ((Wilts, Ommo and Fort, Marron (1996), //Nordfriesland und Saterland: Friesisch zwischen Meer Und Moor//, (Brüssel: Europäisches Büro für Sprachminderheiten), pp.28-48)) However, this was already an improvement from 1988, when Sater Frisian was not present in schools at all, although people would have supported it. ((Martinen, Hark et. al, (1988) //The North Frisian Language in Primary Education in North Frisia, Federal Republic of Germany: Die Nordfriesische Sprache im Unterricht Der Grundschulen in Nordfriesland//, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Ljouwert, Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy.))
-The presence of Sater Frisian in the school system is not very widespread and the varies per school. In 2010 the Saterland introduced the model project "Das Saterland als Modellregion für frühe Mehrsprachigkeit" which translates to "The Saterland as a model region for early multilingualism". This project aims to educate (pre-)school teachers in the Sater Frisian language so that they can pass it on. ((Dein Niedersachsen (2017) //Saterland, Gemeinde mit eigener Sprache//, [[|Saterland]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].))  Since January 2012,  children at primary  school  in  Saterland  have  the opportunity to learn Sater Frisian.((Council of Europe (2014). //European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Application of the Charter in Germany, 5th Monitoring Cycle//. [[]].))  
 Dr Marron Fort is one of the researchers who is helping to maintain Sater Frisian significantly. He came to Germany in 1965 and fell in love with the language. He decided to stay in Germany and has since helped considerably in reviving Sater Frisian. Moreover, he has translated the New Testament into Sater Frisian and created the Sater Frisian Dictionary. This laid the foundation for more Sater Frisian literature. ((Dein Niedersachsen (2017) //Saterland, Gemeinde mit eigener Sprache//, [[|Saterland]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].)) ((Fort, Marron (2000) //Das Neue Testament und die Psalmen in der osterlauwersfriesischen Ursprache des Saterlandes, Frieslands, Butjadingens, Ostfrieslands und der Groninger Ommelanden//, [[|Das neue Testament und die Psalmen]], [last accessed 10-12-2017])) The work of Fort is also used as reference for school materials.((Litje Skoule Skäddel - Grundschule Scharrel. (2020, March). //Saterfriesisch//. Litje Skoule Skäddel - Grundschule Scharrel. [[]].)) Dr Marron Fort is one of the researchers who is helping to maintain Sater Frisian significantly. He came to Germany in 1965 and fell in love with the language. He decided to stay in Germany and has since helped considerably in reviving Sater Frisian. Moreover, he has translated the New Testament into Sater Frisian and created the Sater Frisian Dictionary. This laid the foundation for more Sater Frisian literature. ((Dein Niedersachsen (2017) //Saterland, Gemeinde mit eigener Sprache//, [[|Saterland]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].)) ((Fort, Marron (2000) //Das Neue Testament und die Psalmen in der osterlauwersfriesischen Ursprache des Saterlandes, Frieslands, Butjadingens, Ostfrieslands und der Groninger Ommelanden//, [[|Das neue Testament und die Psalmen]], [last accessed 10-12-2017])) The work of Fort is also used as reference for school materials.((Litje Skoule Skäddel - Grundschule Scharrel. (2020, March). //Saterfriesisch//. Litje Skoule Skäddel - Grundschule Scharrel. [[]].))
 +The presence of Sater Frisian in the school system is not very widespread and the varies per school. In 2010 the Saterland introduced the model project "Das Saterland als Modellregion für frühe Mehrsprachigkeit" which translates to "The Saterland as a model region for early multilingualism". This project aims to educate (pre-)school teachers in the Sater Frisian language so that they can pass it on. ((Dein Niedersachsen (2017) //Saterland, Gemeinde mit eigener Sprache//, [[|Saterland]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].))  Since January 2012,  children at primary  school  in  Saterland  have  the opportunity to learn Sater Frisian.((Council of Europe (2014). //European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Application of the Charter in Germany, 5th Monitoring Cycle//. [[]].)) There are opportunities to have Sater Frisian classes in secondary school.((Die Region und die Sprachen Niederdeutsch und Saterfriesisch im Unterricht, SVBl. 2019 Nr. 6, S. 288 (2019). [[]].))
 +In 2020 and 2021, the classes in Sater Frisian were discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ((Fertig, A. (2021, February 20). Corona_laehmt_Unterricht. //General Anzeiger//. [[]].)) ((Hemken-Wulf, R. (2021 May 8) Corona stoppt vorerst Saterfriesisch-Unterricht. //Nordwest Zeitung.// [[]].))
 ===== Legislation of language education ===== ===== Legislation of language education =====
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 === Lower Saxony School Act === === Lower Saxony School Act ===
-In 1998, Lower Saxony adopted the //Lower Saxony School Act// (Niedersächsisches Schulgesetz ) There, it is stated that pupils should be able to develop their possibilities to understand, perceive and express, including the relevant regional form of Low German or Frisian.((Niedersächsisches Schulgesetz, NSchG (1998). [[]].)) +In 1998, Lower Saxony adopted the //Niedersächsisches Schulgesetz// (Eng: Lower Saxony School Act) There, it is stated that pupils should be able to develop their possibilities to understand, perceive and express, including the relevant regional form of Low German or Frisian.((Niedersächsisches Schulgesetz, NSchG (1998). [[]].)) 
 === The Region and its Languages in Education === === The Region and its Languages in Education ===
-In 2011, Lower Saxony adopted the //The Region and its Languages in Education// (Die  Region  und  ihre  Sprachen  im Unterricht). This decree states that schools take into account regional references and promote regional awareness. It promotes the inclusion and education of both Low German and Sater Frisian, and provides that a primary school can teach regional or minority languages ​​in selected subjects from the compulsory lesson plan.((Die  Region  und  ihre  Sprachen  im Unterricht, Erl. d. MK v.2011 – 21-82101/3-2 (2011).))+In 2011, Lower Saxony adopted the //Die  Region  und  ihre  Sprachen  im Unterricht// (Eng: The Region and its Languages in Education). This decree states that schools take into account regional references and promote regional awareness. It promotes the inclusion and education of both Low German and Sater Frisian, and provides that a primary school can teach regional or minority languages ​​in selected subjects from the compulsory lesson plan.((Die  Region  und  ihre  Sprachen  im Unterricht, Erl. d. MK v.2011 – 21-82101/3-2 (2011).))
 ===The Region and the Languages Low German and Sater Frisian in Education=== ===The Region and the Languages Low German and Sater Frisian in Education===
-In 2019, Lower Saxony adopted the //[[|The Region and the Languages Low German and Sater Frisian in Education]]// (Die Region und die Sprachen Niederdeutsch und Saterfriesisch im Unterricht). Based upon the previous 2011 act, this act provides the opportunity for primar schools to teach Sater Frisian in selected subjects on the compulsory curriculum, with the exception of German and the foreign language. The lessons are offered in two languages or by immersion. This learning path can be continued in secondary school, where the acts also provides the opportunity to use Sater Frisian in elective courses, compulsory elective courses or in compulsory elective subjects (with the exception of foreign languages). +In 2019, Lower Saxony adopted the //[[|Die Region und die Sprachen Niederdeutsch und Saterfriesisch im Unterricht]]// (Eng: The Region and the Languages Low German and Sater Frisian in Education). Based upon the previous 2011 act, this act provides the opportunity for primar schools to teach Sater Frisian in selected subjects on the compulsory curriculum, with the exception of German and the foreign language. The lessons are offered in two languages or by immersion. This learning path can be continued in secondary school, where the acts also provides the opportunity to use Sater Frisian in elective courses, compulsory elective courses or in compulsory elective subjects (with the exception of foreign languages). 
 For students to enroll classes in Sater Frisian, permission is needed from their legal guardian. The Lower Saxony State School Authority supports the schools with advice.((Die Region und die Sprachen Niederdeutsch und Saterfriesisch im Unterricht, SVBl. 2019 Nr. 6, S. 288 (2019). [[]].)) For students to enroll classes in Sater Frisian, permission is needed from their legal guardian. The Lower Saxony State School Authority supports the schools with advice.((Die Region und die Sprachen Niederdeutsch und Saterfriesisch im Unterricht, SVBl. 2019 Nr. 6, S. 288 (2019). [[]].))
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 Sater Frisian is also used in school projects, theatre productions or other kinds of public school events.((Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium (2014), //„Plattdeutsche und Saterfriesische Schule“- Acht weitere Schulen in Niedersachsen ausgezeichnet// [[]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].))((Mikulski, T. (2015). //Schüler des LSG-Wahlkurses „Saterfriesisch“ drehen in Scharrel.// Retrieved from [[]].)) Sater Frisian is also used in school projects, theatre productions or other kinds of public school events.((Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium (2014), //„Plattdeutsche und Saterfriesische Schule“- Acht weitere Schulen in Niedersachsen ausgezeichnet// [[]], [last accessed 10-12-2017].))((Mikulski, T. (2015). //Schüler des LSG-Wahlkurses „Saterfriesisch“ drehen in Scharrel.// Retrieved from [[]].))
-In 2010, a project //Seeltersk an do Skoulen in Seelterlound// (Sater Frisian at the schools in Saterland) was initiated. This strives for all primary school children to have the choice to have Sater Frisian as language of instruction except for the subjects of German and English, or to have the one hour subject Sater Frisian. For this project, teacher training in Sater Frisian is the first step, which is funded by the //Niedersächsische Kultusministerium// and the //Oldenburgische Landschaft//, //Universität Oldenburg// and the //Seelter Buund.// ((Wikiwand. (n.d.). //Seeltersk an do Skoulen//. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from [[]].)).+In 2010, a project //Seeltersk an do Skoulen in Seelterlound// (Sater Frisian at the schools in Saterland) was initiated. This strives for all primary school children to have the choice to have Sater Frisian as language of instruction except for the subjects of German and English, or to have the one hour subject Sater Frisian. For this project, teacher training in Sater Frisian is the first step, which is funded by the //Niedersächsische Kultusministerium// and the //Oldenburgische Landschaft//, //Universität Oldenburg// and the //Seelter Buund.// ((Wikiwand. (n.d.). //Seeltersk an do Skoulen//. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from [[]].)).  
 +The primary school Litje Skoule in //Skäddel//, Scharrel, offers immersion education in Sater Frisian.((Litje Skoule Skäddel - Grundschule Scharrel. (2020, March). //Saterfriesisch//. Litje Skoule Skäddel - Grundschule Scharrel. [[]].)) However, due to the COVIC-19 pandemic, there has been a suspension in 2020 and 2021.((Fertig, A. (2021, February 20). Corona_laehmt_Unterricht. //General Anzeiger//. [[]].)) ((Hemken-Wulf, R. (2021 May 8) Corona stoppt vorerst Saterfriesisch-Unterricht. //Nordwest Zeitung.// [[]].)) 
 ==== Secondary education ==== ==== Secondary education ====
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 ==== Tertiary education ==== ==== Tertiary education ====
-At the [[|University of Oldenburg]], Sater Frisian is offered as a course within the Germanic department.+At the [[|University of Oldenburg]], Sater Frisian is offered as a course within the Germanic department.
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 ==== Organisations ==== ==== Organisations ====
-  * [[|Seelter Buund]] +   * [[|Fräiske Räid]] Umbrella organisation for Frisian organisations.  
-  * [[| +   * [[| Seelter Bund]] 
-Frasche Rädj/Friesenrat]]+  * [[|]]  The scientific representative for the Sater Frisian language
 ==== Online resources ==== ==== Online resources ====
   * [[|Seelterfräisk lere]] collection of learning materials   * [[|Seelterfräisk lere]] collection of learning materials
languages/saterfrisian_in_germany.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/26 15:58 by ydwine