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lang:aragonese [2016/05/18 11:01] – [Preschool education] richtlang:aragonese [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Aragonese in Spain  ====== 
-  * Language name: aragonés 
-  * ISO 639-3 code: arg 
-  * Glottocode: [[|arag1245]] 
-  * //OLAC record goes here// 
-  * Vitality scores: UNESCO - definitely endangered; Egids - 6b (threatened); LEI - endangered 
-  * Mercator Regional Dossier: not published yet 
-===== Map ===== 
-//More info about region// 
-<olmap id="olMapFry" width="500px" height="400px" lat="42.47" lon="-0.01" zoom="6" statusbar="0" controls="0" poihoverstyle="0" baselyr="OpenStreetMap" gpxfile="" kmlfile="" geojsonfile="" summary="" > 
-===== About the Aragonese language ===== 
-Aragonese is a language that belongs to the Romance branch of the Indo-European language family.  The Aragonese language has suffered a secular decline and progressive substitution by Spanish in almost the entire Aragon territory since the 15th century. Currently, Aragonese is spoken in the northern area of Aragon (the Pyrenean area) and the language is fragmented into several dialects that are closely related to each other. 
-===== Speaker number trends ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-In the 2011 Censo de Población y Viviendas (Population and Housing Census), the Government of Aragon included several questions regarding the knowledge and use of native languages (Aragonese or Catalan) (cf table 1). It is noteworthy that, according to the census’ answers, there are as many as 8,618 speakers of Aragonese residing in the metropolitan area of Zaragoza which, despite the fact that it is not part of the linguistic area of Aragonese, is home to many families that moved from that area as well as to a number of new Aragonese speakers (source: Government of Aragon, 2011; Seminario Aragonés de Socialingüística, 2015).  
-^ Population and Housing Census of 2011 ^Can speak ^Can understand ^total population ^ 
-| entire Aragon |1.9% (25,556) | 3.3% (44,439) |100% (1,331,189)|  
-| area of historical use |5.3% (8,425)|9.4% (14,924)|100% (159,010)|  
-| area where it is a language of communication |19.4% (4,457) |28.4% (6,540)|100% (22,999)|  
->Nog invoegen: referentie: Table 1: The distribution of self-declared active and passive speakers in different areas where Aragonese is spoken (source: Government of Aragon, 2011; Seminario Aragonés de Socialingüística, 2015).<  
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-=== Resources === 
-===== Preschool education ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-At the pre-school level, language is included in one of the three wider learning areas defined in the curriculum: “Language: Communication and Representation”. The other two learning areas are: “Self-knowledge and personal autonomy” and “Knowledge of the environment” (Order which approves the curriculum of infant education). 
-In the description of the area for the first cycle, the curriculum states that in the areas where Aragonese or Catalan are spoken alongside with Spanish, those languages will be used as a medium of communication and will receive a similar treatment as Spanish. In the second cycle, a similar statement is included, but the use of the language as an instrument of communication must be done according to a project designed in the educational centre. This use of the regional languages has been offered in the second cycle curriculum since 2008.   
-However, practically speaking, the language of instruction is Spanish in all cases, as no bilingual project has been proposed by schools. Some primary schools which include the second cycle of pre-school education, have Aragonese lessons, given by the same teachers as in primary education. Each school can regulate these lessons by themselves. There are schools where all the children have to take Aragonese as a compulsory subject, for example in the schools in Echo, Ansó, Torla, Broto, Fiscal, Boltanya (Boltaña), Bielsa, A Espunya (Laspuña), Chistén (Gistaín), Sant Chuan de Plan (San Juan de Plan), Sarabillo, Plan, Biescas, Pandicosa (Panticosa), Tramacastilla, Sallén (Sallent), Senegüé, Candarenas (Caldearenas). Besides, there are schools where it is offered as a voluntary subject during regular class hours (CEIP Monte Oroel, Jaca) and there are schools where it is offered as a voluntary subject after school (CEIP San Juan de la Peña, Jaca). Furthermore, there are schools where Aragonese is offered in primary education but not in pre-primary education (CEIP Asunción Pañart Montaner, Aínsa). Finally, there are schools where Aragonese is a compulsory subject during the pre-school period, but it is voluntary (e.g. Boltaña, Torla, Fiscal and Broto) or not available during primary education (e.g. Biescas, Panticosa, Tramacastilla and Sallent).  Class time ranges from 30 minutes to one hour and 45 min per week.  
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-=== Resources === 
-===== Primary education ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-== Legislation == 
-== Practice == 
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-=== Resources === 
-===== Secondary education ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-== Legislation == 
-== Practice == 
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-===== Adult education ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-=== Resources === 
-===== Teacher training ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-=== Resources === 
-===== Educational resources ===== 
-=== Current status === 
-=== Ongoing projects === 
-=== Resources ===