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fact_sheets:irish [2016/05/26 15:28] – [--Fact sheet name--] rixtvandongerafact_sheets:irish [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== --Irish in Ireland-- ====== 
-==== Language name: ==== 
-=== --your text here-- === 
-==== Language code according to the ISO 639-3 standard: ==== 
-=== --your text here-- === 
-==== Status in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: ==== 
-=== --your text here-- === 
-==== Language vitality according to: ==== 
-^ [[|UNESCO]] ^ [[|Ethnologue]] ^ [[|Endangered Languages]] ^ 
-| --your text here--|--your text here-- out of 10 (10 means extinct) | --your text here--| 
-==== Online resources: ==== 
-  * Sociolinguistic bibliography at Glottolog: [[|west2354]] 
-  * Record at [[|Olac]] 
-==== About --your text here-- Language ==== 
---your text here--. 
-[[:rd:rd_frisian_in_nl#1. Introduction|Read more]] in Mercator's Regional Dossier 
-==== Location ==== 
---your text here-- 
-<olmap id="olMapFry" width="500px" height="400px" lat="53.14" lon="5.86" zoom="9" statusbar="0" controls="0" poihoverstyle="0" baselyr="OpenStreetMap" gpxfile=_ckgedit_QUOT__ckgedit____> kmlfile=":lang:kml_samples.kml" geojsonfile=_ckgedit_____QUOT__ckgedit> summary="" > 
-53.201233, 5.799913,0,.8,marker-gold.png,Ljouwert - capital of Fryslân 
-==== Demographics ==== 
-Percentage of Frisians that speak the Frisian language in different age classes:     
-{{:age_distribution_frisian.png?direct&300}}source:((Fryske taalatlas 2015, [[|provinsje fryslân]])) 
-  * ~ 94% in Frisian understand Frisian. 
-  * ~ 67% speaks the language (reasonably) well. 
-  * ~ 15% writes the language well 
-Writing skills seem to have improved somewhat in the last few years((Fryske taalatlas 2015, [[|provinsje fryslân]])). 
-====== Frisian in the Netherlands ====== 
-===== 0-3 Years old: preschool education ===== 
-==== Legislation ==== 
-Dutch law states that group leaders are free to use Frisian.  
-==== Teacher training ==== 
-  * [[|Sintrim Frysktalige Berneopvang]] (Frisian Childcare center) offers assistance to group leaders that wish to give Frisian a more prominent role…. 
-==== Educational materials ==== 
-  * [[|The Tomke project]], started by the [[|Afûk]] in 1997 to stimulate Frisian language development in preschoolers. Tomke is a small Frisian boy that appears in tv adventures, books and a website. 
-==== Practice ==== 
-Frisian is used mainly in individual contacts with children or parents. When reading or singing Dutch is used much more often. 
-==== Read more ====  
-[[:rd:rd_frisian_in_nl#2. Pre-school education|in Mercator's Regional Dossier]] 
-===== 4-12 years old: primary education ===== 
-==== Legislation ==== 
-Dutch law states that, in primary education in the province of Fryslân, Frisian is an obligatory subject. It may be used as a medium of instruction. Schools may receive exemption from this law, and a few have. 
-==== Teacher training ==== 
-Teachers for primary education are trained at the [[|Stenden Hogeschool]] and the [[|NHL]]. A Frisian language course is part of the curriculum. 
-==== Educational materials ==== 
-  * [[|Studio F]]: a Frisian language teaching method. Their digital learning environment can be viewed online. 
-  * [[|Linkk]] 
-==== In practice ==== 
-=== Regard for the minority language in class === 
-  * In 2006, the majority of Frisian schools spent 36 minutes per week on one lesson of Frisian. 
-  * 15 to 20% of primary schools use Frisian regularly as a medium of instruction. 
-  * 6% Of primary schools do not offer Frisian lessons at all.(([[|Informatiedossier Friesland]])) ).  
-=== Teacher skills === 
-  * 85% of the primary school teachers claim to speak Frisian well 
-  * 69% claims to write it well.  
-  * A substantial part of primary schools lacks adequately qualified teachers. ((Inspectie van het Onderwijs (2006). Inspectierapport no. 2006-21. De kwaliteit van het vak Fries in het basisonderwijs en het voortgezet onderwijs in de provincie Fryslân. Technisch rapport. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers)) 
-==== Read more ====  
-[[:rd:rd_frisian_in_nl#3. Primary education|in Mercator's Regional Dossier]] 
-===== 12-16/18 years old: secondary education ===== 
-==== Legislation ==== 
-Since 1993, the Dutch law on secondary education prescribes that Frisian is an obligatory subject in the two lowest grades. However, since 2006, the provincial government may grant schools exemption from this rule. 
-==== Teacher training ==== 
-  * The [[|NHL]] and [[|University of Groningen]] train Frisian language teachers. 
-==== Educational materials ==== 
-  * [[|Searje 36]]: digital learning method to learn Frisian in the first year of secondary education. 
-==== Practice ==== 
-=== Regard for the minority language in class === 
-In 2007 more than a third of the secondary schools did not offer Frisian lessons. 
-==== Read more ====  
-[[:rd:rd_frisian_in_nl#4. Secondary education|in Mercator's Regional Dossier]] 
-===== Adult education ===== 
-  * Frisian language courses for adults are organised by the [[|Afûk]].  
-  * The two-year bachelor [[|Minorities and Multilingualism]] offers optional courses that focus on Frisian. 
-==== Read more ====  
-[[:rd:rd_frisian_in_nl#7. Adult education|in Mercator's Regional Dossier]] 
-===== Evaluation of language education ===== 
-The inspectorate (Inspectie van het Onderwijs) inspects Frisian primary and secondary language education every few years. 
-===== Educational resources ===== 
-  * [[|Taalweb Frysk]], developed by the [[|Fryske Akademy]]: tools for writing Frisian. 
-  * [[|Praat mar Frysk]], campaign set up by the [[|Afûk]] to promote the Frisian language. 
-  * [[|Tresoar]], Frisian historic and linguistic centre. 
-  * [[|Frisian Wikipedia]]. 
-  * [[|Omrop Fryslân]], Frisian broadcasting service. 
-  * [[|Heit & Mem]], Frisian magazine for parents. 
-  * [[|Kanon fan de Fryske Skiednis]], Canon of the history of Frisia. 
-  * [[|Sintrim meertaligens]] (Center for multilingualism) 
-  * [[|]], guide for Frisian at school 
-  * [[|It Fryske berneboek]] (The Frisian children's book)