====== Europe ====== ~~ Below are the Point of Interests, you can add as many as you want. 42.42,-6.02,0,.8,marker-gold.png,[[::lang:asturian|Asturian in Spain]]\\ 53.14,5.86,0,.8,marker-gold.png,[[::lang:frisian|Frisian in the Netherlands]]\\ 52,-4,0,.8,marker-gold.png,[[::lang:welsh|Welsh in the UK]]\\ ---- ===== Minority languages in Europe ===== * [[:lang:asturian|Asturian in Spain ]] * [[:lang:frisian|Frisian in the Netherlands]] * [[:lang:irish|Irish in Ireland]] * [[:lang:welsh|Welsh in the UK]] * [[:lang:playground|playground]] * [[:lang:aragonese|Aragonese in Spain]] * [[:fact_sheets:frisian_in_the_netherlands|Frisian in the Netherlands]] * [[:fact_sheets:sorbian_in_germany|Sorbian in Germany]] * [[:fact_sheets:sorbian_in_germany_2|Sorbian in Germany 2]] * [[:fact_sheets:sorbian_in_germany_3|Sorbian in Germany 3]] * [[:fact_sheets:irish|Irish in Ireland v2]] * [[:lang:sorbian|Sorbian in Germany]] * [[:fact_sheets:netherlands|Netherlands]] * [[:fact_sheets:template|template]] ===== General information ===== * [[fact_sheets:international_legislation|International legislation protecting minority languages]]