====== Ladin in Italy ====== ==== Language designations: ==== * In the language itself: Ladin * [[general_information:glossary_of_terms#ISO 639-3|ISO 639-3]] standard: lld ==== Language vitality: ==== ^ [[https://en.wal.unesco.org/languages/ladin|UNESCO]] ^ [[https://www.ethnologue.com/language/lld/|Ethnologue]] ^ [[http://www.endangeredlanguages.com/lang/3392|Endangered Languages]] ^ [[https://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/ladi1250|Glottolog]] ^ | {{:endangerment:yellow.png?nolink|Definitely endangered}} | {{:endangerment:orange.png?nolink|Endangered}} | {{:endangerment:yellow.png?nolink|Threatened}} | {{:endangerment:yellow.png?nolink|Shifting}} | ==== Linguistic aspects: ===== * Classification: Indo-European → Italic → Romance → Western Romance. See [[http://glottolog.org/glottolog/language|ladi1250]] at [[http://glottolog.org/|Glottolog]] for more information. * Script: Latin Listen to Ladin [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=nCPTYYNPwdw&feature=emb_logo|here]] ==== Language standardization: ==== ===== Demographics ===== ==== Language Area ==== Ladin is mainly spoken in the provinces Alto Adige (South Tyrol), Trentino and Belluno in the valleys Val Badia, Gherdëina, Fascia, Fodom and Cortina d'Ampezzo of the Dolomite mountains. After World War II Southern Tyrol was granted autonomy, which was established in the Legge Costituzionale 1948, n.5. (Statuto speciale per per il Trentino-Alto Adige). 46.61,11.89,0,.8,marker-gold.png,Ket language\\ ==== Valleys where Ladin is spoken ==== ^ Valley ^^^Province ^^^Region^ |// Ladin// | //German// | //Italian// | //Ladin// | //German// | //Italian// | ::: | | Val Badia| Gadertal| Badia| Bulsan | Süd Tirol | Bolzano | Süd-Tirol- Trentino (autonomous)| | Gherdëina | Gröden | Gardena | :::| ::: |:::|:::| | Fascia | Fassa| Fassa | Trent | | Trentino | :::| | Fodom | Buchenstein | Livinallongo | Belum| | Belluno| Venento (not autonomous)| | Cortina de Anpezo | Hayden | Cortina d'Ampezzo |::: |:::| :::|:::| Retrieved from: Verra, R. Ladin (2016). // The Ladin language in education in Italy.// Mercator's Regional Dossier. ==== Speaker numbers ==== ^ Total population in the valleys ^ Speakers of Ladin ^ | 38,000 | 79% (30,000) | ---- ====== Language and education legislation: ====== ===== History of language education: ===== //Please describe the history of the language's presence in:// * //the country's school system;// * //published, broadcasted, or online learning resources.// ===== European legislation: ===== Italy has signed, but not ratified [[general_information:glossary_of_terms#European Charter for Regional and Minority languages|Charter for Regional and Minority Languages]], so Ladin is not covered by it. ===== National legislation: ===== The law of 15 December 1999, n. 482. (//Norme in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche storiche:// Rules on protection of historical linguistic minorities) states that: * La lingua ufficiale della Repubblica è l'italiano. * all traditional historic minorities have the right to language education and to use their language in the local administration. ===== Educational legislation: ===== * The special statute of 1972 is a secure basis for the teaching of Ladin and gave the Ladin language recognition as a subject and also as language of instruction. * The Educational Guidelines for Ladin Schools //(Orientamente educativi per la scuola delle località Ladine)// prescribe that there must be two weekly lessons in Ladin. * [[https://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/1990/12/22/090R0935/s3|Legge provincale 1990, n.14 Sostituzione dell'articolo 21 (Uso della lingua ladina) della legge provincale 1977, n.13., concernente "Ordinamento della scuola dell'infanzia nella provincia di Trento"]] states that Ladin is used alongside Italian in pre-school education in the Fassa Valley. * [[http://lexbrowser.provinz.bz.it/doc/20130928/it/lp-1995-13/legge_provinciale_1_giugno_1995_n_13.aspx?view=1|Legge 1995, n.13 Legge provinciale. Introduzione dell'insegnamento curriculare del ladino nelle scuole secondarie di secondo grado ed artistiche delle località ladine]] (Provincial Law on the introduction of curricular teaching of Ladin in senior secondary and artistic secondary schools in Ladin communities) introduced Ladin in grades 1-8. ===== Inspection of compliance with educational legislation: ===== ---- ====== Education in practice ====== ---- ====== Educational institutions and learning resources: ====== ==== (teaching) material ==== * The office Inovazion y consulenza (Innovation and counseling) in Bolzano has the task of collecting, developing, elaborating and distributing pedagogical materials. * Union Maestri Ladins ( Union of Ladin teachers, Val Badia) and the Lia di Maestri (Teachers' Union, Val Gherdëina) develop also materials. * The Union di Ladins de Gherdëina (Ladin Union of Gherdëina), Union di Ladins dla Val Badia (Ladin Union of Val Badia), Union di Ladins de Fascia (Ladin Union of Fascia) and the Union di Ladins de Fodom e Anpezo (Ladin Union of Fodom and Anpezo) publish monographs and poems. * The cultural institute Micurà de Rü in Val Badia is the main delveloper of books and children's literature. ==== teacher training ==== * In Bolzano the Inovazion y consulenza (Innovation and counseling) provides in-service teacher training, carries out assessments and activities concerning Ladin teaching and helps the teachers' committees in the schools. * In Trente the Ofize Ladin Fascia Pedagogich (Pedagogical Office of the Fascia Valley) provides in-service training for teachers in the Fascia Valley and helps with curricular matters. ==== online resources ==== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0ujoqh_Nko|phrases]] video * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JQbAeeE_bU|proverbs]] video * [[http://itavalbadia.ladinternet.it/|dictionary]] (Italian and Ladin) * [[http://www.ladinternet.it/applications/dictionary/site/index.jsp|spell check]] ---- ===== Mercator's Regional Dossier: ===== [[http://www.mercator-research.eu/fileadmin/mercator/dossiers_pdf/ladin_in_italy_web.pdf|{{:images:dossier.png?nolink|}}]][[https://www.mercator-research.eu/fileadmin/mercator/documents/regional_dossiers/ladin_in_italy_2nd.pdf|Read more]] about the Ladin language education in Mercator's Regional Dossier (2016). ----